
Admission to Nursery

It is advised that parents register children for our nursery as soon as possible. A list is kept in the school office and our administration staff will be happy to take your details. We will contact you in the Autumn before your child’s third birthday, and formal offers of places will be sent out in the February, in readiness for a September start. In the case of Nursery being over-subscribed, we offer places to in-catchment children and to those with sibling links in the first instance. An offer of a place in Nursery cannot guarantee that an offer will be made for Reception.

Admission To Reception

Parents with children coming up to reception age should register the child’s name with the local authority (see link below). This should be done by the February before they start at the latest. The Local Authority Access Team administer all aspects of admissions for the Reception Year – they can be contacted on 0191 6438721. Children start reception in the September of the academic year in which they are five.

A full induction programme is operated and parents will be informed about this by post in May. All reception age children will be in school full time by October. Parents wishing to view the school should telephone for a suitable appointment.

Admission To other Year Groups

Provided we have spaces in particular year groups, we welcome new children who have moved in to the area across the school year. Please make an appointment to see the Head Teacher if you wish to discuss a move to Spring Gardens.