Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories,
responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Governing Body’s Annual Statement
The Issues faced and addressed by the Governing Body over the last year were:
- Understanding changes to and preparation for Ofsted inspection and responding to its recommendations
- Continued to ensure that the Head Teacher and SLT were supported in their roles
- Attended key assemblies and events across the school year
- Took part in monitoring of teaching & learning through ‘Book Looks’ and moderation activities
- Changes to School Self Evaluation and Development Planning
- Investigation and decision making regarding term time holiday requests
The impact of the Governing Body on the school was:
- Governors knowledge of data and assessment systems enables Governors to provide further support and challenge to school provision
- The pupil survey confirmed that children feel safe, enjoy school and the experiences they have in lessons and feel that they are taught well.
- As a result of Governors clarifying stakeholders views, Governors are very clear in being able to support school to determine next steps of development.
Structure of the Governing Body and Committees
Chair of the Governing Body – Mr J Robinson
Vice Chair of the Governing Body – Ms. F Swindell