Ofsted and Performance Data

Ofsted School Inspection Reports

150331_1 conversion status

Key Stage 2 SAT Results 2019

% of pupils achieving expected standard

Reading Writing Mathematics GPAS R, W, M combined
68 % (NA 73) 72% (NA 79) 75% (NA 79) 68% (NA 78) 62% (NA 65)

% of pupil gaining a high level of attainment 

Reading Writing Mathematics GPAS R, W, M combined
18% (NA 27) 15% (NA 20) 22% (NA 27) 27% (NA 31) 6%  (NA 9)

Average Scaled Score

Reading GPS Mathematics
102 (NA 104) 104 (NA 106) 103 (NA 106)



Average Progress Score

Reading Writing Mathematics
+ 0.2 + 1 + 0.3