
Uniform Supplier

Our uniform supplier is Michael Seghal. Orders can be placed online using this link: Michael Sehgal Select the items and sizes you require, add them to your basket and pay online with debit /credit card.

Standard Uniform

Maroon sweatshirt with embroidered school crest or maroon cardigan with embroidered school crest. (Plain maroon sweaters and cardigans are acceptable)

White or gold polo shirt or white blouse

Trousers – grey (plain) no jeans or denim type. Skirts – grey pinafore or grey skirt

Grey or white  socks

Black shoes

Summer Uniform

Same as above but choice of grey shorts.

Pupils can wear a maroon, yellow or pink gingham dress.


Children are only allowed to wear a watch and one stud earing in each ear. If your child does have their ears pierced then they must be able to remove them for P.E. in line with official guidance. If your child cannot remove their earrings they will not be able to participate in P.E. If you are considering getting your child’s ears pierced, please do this in the summer holidays and not during the school term.

For their own and others safety, no children should have any body piercings or be wearing acrylic nails for school.

Special Clothing – PE

Children (apart from nursery classes) will require Yellow PE T-shirt and black shorts for PE (These can be plain or with the school logo). Black sand shoes/trainers are also necessary.

Whilst children are allowed to wear watches, these must not be smart watches.

Please be aware that some types of hard soled training shoes are dangerous for indoor games and PE.

Children swim in Years 4 & 5 so swimming costume/ swimming trunks and towel are required.

Please clearly mark all clothing with your child’s name.

To help parents/carers where needed we do have some uniform that has been donated or purchased through school. This can be requested using the google form below. Please be assured that this will be dealt with as sensitively as possible

Click here for link to request for uniform items