Inclusion / SEN/D

Spring Gardens Primary School is a fully inclusive school that ensures that all pupils achieve their potential, personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally. We believe it is essential to provide a well balanced, challenging curriculum for all children. We are committed to ensuring that all children, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disability [SEN/D], receive a high quality, accessible and inclusive curriculum.

We are committed to promoting equality of opportunity regardless of race, belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender or class and to provide equality of access for all.

We believe it is important that children acquire skills, knowledge and confidence that can be applied to all future learning experiences; these include social, physical, moral and spiritual development. We strive to provide a school environment that is secure, stimulating, supportive and memorable, whereby each child feels valued as part of our community and encouraged to achieve their full potential.

Inclusion Staff

All Teachers are teachers of all children in our school. However,  we do have designated staff who lead and support with certain aspects of inclusion.

Mrs K Wankowicz
Deputy Headteacher
SENCO and Senior Mental Health Lead

Mrs F Royle
Care, Guidance and Support Lead
Mental Health First Aid

SEN/D Information Report and Local Offer

The following report outlines our approach to identifying, supporting and fully including pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. We hope you find it informative and useful.

SEN Information Report

North Tyneside Local Offer


‘Perfect Provisions’ at Spring Gardens

At Spring Gardens we support and challenge all of our children through quality first teaching. We also have a wide range of interventions taking place across the school. The list below shows some of the provisions that your child may access in their time at our school.

Word Blaze Lego Therapy
Sensory Circuits Thrive
Blast Write away Together
Dough Disco Y6 Maths 1:1
Lexia Narrative
Reciprocal Reading Dyslexia Programme
EHCP 1:1 Occupational Therapy Programme
Focus on Literacy Speech and Language Therapy
Toe by Toe Additional Phonics and SPAG
Spellings/Tricky Words Maths Passport
Reading and Writing Intervention Handwriting
Behaviour Support Basic Skills in Literacy and Maths
Nurture and Mental Health in

The Happy Head Hub

Better Reading Partnership
Bereavement Maths Booster
Squiggle while you Wiggle Over and Over
Comprehension and Inference Phonics

Information for Parents and Carers

You Said…We Did…

Parent/Carer Inclusion and Wellbeing Survey Findings