Remember to keep reading regularly
Task 1
Watch the animation and answer the questions.
Task 2
Read the diary entry and then answer the questions (you can also read the diary entry on the Google Form).
Task 3
Imagine you are the Lighthouse Keeper. Continue writing the diary entry...
Monday 27th May 1937.
What happened today was totally unexpected! I thought it was going to be the usual... get up... loneliness... jobs... isolation... eating... more loneliness... watching the sea... remoteness... and then bed. The day started off as usual with the villagers annoying me with their loud howling and general merriment.
Write your diary entry via the Google Form or use paper and take a picture of it to upload it to the Year 6 Blog.
Here is the toolkit...
Task 4 (longer task - this should take 2 lessons)
Write a newspaper report detailing what happened at the lighthouse and how the villagers came to help.
Think about the work that we did before Easter on the features of newspaper reports.
Use the form to submit your newspaper report or create your own newspaper report and upload to the Year 6 Blog.
Here is the toolkit