Reminders and letters
The expectations are that children should be completing their homework weekly and that it should be returned on the appropriate day. We have a homework club every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes which children are all able to access. It is important that the children take responsibility for their learning and ask for help when it is needed.
Reading - Weekly
Mathletics -
Arithmetic -
TTRS - This should be accessed weekly as a minimum
Library books:
Children will be given the opportunity to change their books weekly.
Class 13:
Class 14:
PE Kits:
Children need to bring their PE kits in each week and take them home to wash on a Friday. This half term the children will be taking part in hockey coaching sessions which may be outside. Please bring appropriate clothing. Some children will still be taking part in swimming sessions, if your child is not then they will be taking part in PE at school (Dance).
Class 13: Monday and Tuesday
Class 14:
Please refer to our uniform information page for appropriate information. Please also be aware that children should not be wearing make-up at school.