Mental Health First Aid
As a school we are involved in a project alongside other schools in North
Tyneside to adopt a whole school approach to mental health & wellbeing.
We know that 50% of mental health issues are established by age 14 and the scale
of the problem is clear. We’ve long been at a point where fewer words and more
actions are needed to address the ever-deepening crisis in children’s mental health.
One part of the solution is ensuring that we create mentally healthy environments for
young people from the outset. And it's here that a ‘whole school’ approach can help.
This means school staff, parents, governors and children working collaboratively to
prioritise wellbeing in every area of school life. It involves giving everyone a voice
and looking at the school culture, its curriculum, staff policies, links to local services
and training needs – all in the interest of creating a supportive community where
everyone can thrive.
We have a staff training programme in place in which staff are training to become Mental Health First Aiders and other staff, Mental Health Awareness Champions. We endeavour to ensure that all staff in school are trained to at least Mental Health Awareness Champions over the next two years.
The wellbeing and emotional health of our children, staff and families is fundamental
to our school to ensure we care for each other, so we can be successful during this
difficult time and for the future.
Parents and carers were asked to complete a survey in December 2020 to share views. This information has been collated by the Local Authority and we are in the process of creating an action plan to move forward and focus on any areas that we need to improve upon.
Thank you for all your support