Continue to keep reading regularly, trying to read at least once a day! Remember that if you have ran out of books to read in the house, you can borrow books online from North Tyneside Libraries. Look in the Reading link on our page :)
Last week, you focused on how to write a setting description and thought about the 'ingredients' you need to produce a quality piece of writing. Before you write your own, I would like you to read all four of the descriptions below and choose two to evaluate. Think about whether the writing has an impact on you as the reader. If not, how could it be improved?
Complete the Start Quiz, watch the video, complete the Independent Task and then finish off with the Exit Quiz! Remember to look at your writing from last week to help you. Record your writing in your grammar book.
Today I would like you to evaluate the writing you did yesterday. LOTS of questions I would like you to think about...
What impact does it have on the reader? Does it create an atmosphere? Have you been able to build a picture of the scene in the reader's mind's eye? Did you include a range of senses?
Is there a character in your setting? If so, have you used any 'show not tell'?
What about your choice of vocabulary? Have you included expanded noun phrases and any figurative language? What about powerful verbs as well as adverbs?
Does your writing include a range of sentence starters and sentence structures?
What about punctuation? Have you shown off and used a range?
I would like you to take the time in this session to really try to improve the quality of your writing. Edit your work in your grammar book and then use the Google Form to submit your completed piece of writing please. I am really looking forward to reading your writing!
Ideas for uplevelling vocabulary:
Read First News and find out what has been happening in the News this week! Complete the puzzle.
Continue to read the news stories this week. Complete the quiz below. All of the questions and pictures are about stories in the news this week. Can you find the article and the information? Write the answer, the section of the paper and the page number where you found the information.